JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
P.O. Box 270143
Hartford, WI 53027Phone (800) 869-1884
Fax (425) 451-3959
July 30, 2000 Another Billboard Success Story!
JPFO has received the following letter about the "Criminals Love Trigger Locks" billboard JPFO helped get installed in Tulsa:
Dear Mr. Zelman and Jews For the Preservation of Firearms Ownership,On behalf of Citizens For a Safer Oklahoma I would like to extend my thanks to you and your fine organization for your wonderful generosity with your billboard campaign. Your provision of funds to match our organizations' for the purpose of putting up a pro-civil rights billboard allowed us to make a tremendous impact.
The first part of 2000, Tulsa experienced a flurry of anti-freedom activity beginning with an attempt to push CAP laws through the Oklahoma legislature and culminating with a "Million Mom March" on Mother's Day. As you can imagine, the local press welcomed the advancement of the disarmament agendas with open arms, falling over themselves to provide coverage to the "movement".
We had to act, fast. What we needed was a way to put our message out to the general public, bypassing the mainstream media, and making the biggest impact in the shortest amount of time. We found just such a method on your webpage. The result was the most "controversial" billboard Tulsa had ever seen. Strategically positioned on the Broken Arrow Expressway, a main thoroughfare through Tulsa, and "broadcasting" to over 80,000 people a day, was the larger-than-life message "Criminals Love Trigger Locks", courtesy of JPFO and CFSO.
We timed the billboard to go up a couple of weeks before the "Million Mom March" (and the Armed Informed Mother's March our group sponsored), and remain up through the month of May. It was a smashing success. The media didn't know what to make of it, and we could not be ignored. It had a statewide impact. Suddenly, we were the "topic" -- not the "response", and the lieutenant governor, attorney general and officials promoting a state-sponsored cable-lock giveaway were on the defensive. The billboard (and therefore CFSO and our Armed Informed Mother's March) made the news in Oklahoma City and as far away as Dallas, Texas -- about a 4 hour drive.
The billboard gave us the press coverage we needed to make a success of our Armed Informed Mother's March, as well as educating Oklahomans about the dangers inherent in trigger locks, from the increased risk of accidental discharge to legislation prohibiting citizen access to a life-saving device.
In addition, we have found your "Grandpa Jack" series of booklets to be great educational tools that present the facts about the necessity of private firearms ownership. Jews For the Preservation of Firearms Ownership is at the very forefront of liberty education, teaching the cost of obtaining it, the tools for keeping it and the terrible price of losing it.
Thank you for giving organizations like ours this opportunity to take these important messages to our local communities.
Kathleen Tolman
Founder, Citizens For a Safer Oklahoma
For more information about the JPFO Matching Funds Billboard offer, see:
For more information about the "Gran'pa Jack" booklets, see
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