JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
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October 31, 2000 The Dark Secret Underlying CCOPS
Do you want to know why we founded CCOPS? It's not just a vague fear about something that "might happen someday." Not just an overdose of George Orwell's 1984.
The answer lies in this remarkable letter from Attorney Peter Mancus. Mr. Mancus had a conversation with a law officer not long ago, and wrote it all down afterward. He has shared the conversation with us.
You have to read what the officer said -- and then you'll understand. You'll see how the police state mentality has begun to infect even the otherwise solid, decent law officers.
What if the officer gets the order to disarm innocent civilians? You'll hear the officer explain how he hopes that would never happen. Then, how he would hesitate to carry out the order. And finally, why he would in the end just follow orders and disarm his fellow Americans -- and that he would kill to do it.
What's the difference between a peace officer and a law enforcement officer? A peace officer serves the citizens by keeping the peace. A law enforcement officer serves the government by enforcing the law upon the citizens.
Excellent peace officers have told us that they would never carry out unlawful or unconstitutional orders. We believe them, but there are some officers who make no such promise. Some officers have probably never even considered the possibility. Americans need to know whom to trust.
Dr. Thompson's article about the anti-gun mentality shows how so many "gun control" advocates are suffering from a mental problem. Imagine what happens when these victim disarmament folks get political power, and have law enforcement officers at their disposal ... fellows who just follow orders.
Do most law officers know our Bill of Rights? Many of the older officers do. Yet, because of the sorry state of public education, many or most of the younger officers do not. Factor that into the equation, and you have to wonder: "what will restrain officers from engaging in police state tactics?"
Read this conversation between Mr. Mancus and the police officer. Then contact us. If you haven't joined CCOPS yet, then please do so today, so that we can keep you informed about police state trends in America. With your membership and support, CCOPS can be the national clearing house for this kind of information. Act now!
Click on:, and then click on the "Cops Against CCOPS" link on that page.
The Liberty Crew
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