JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
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May 30, 2001 "Only in a Free Society"
We received these pictures of how JPFO member Ivan Shapiro celebrated Memorial Day:
To: Aaron Zelman
Date: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 9:30 AM
Subject: Here's my float and what I did on Mem Day...IvanAaron: Here's my float, advertising my business.
The cops watching the parade route and I saluted each other. Sheriff deputies, too.
And when people made comments about how nice or great etc...I told them "you can only do this in a free society".
* * * *
Take a look at Ivan's web site:
Ivan says: "Only in a free society." But not if the UN has its way! See:
July 9 Is Gun Burning Day at UN
The Liberty Crew
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