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Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
P.O. Box 270143
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July 31, 2002

Remember the Battle of Athens, Tennessee

When World War II ended, one small group of American veterans came home to find their local government in the iron grip of corrupt politicians. "The system" offered no way out. The crooks had rigged local elections. Appeals to Washington, D.C., for help were ignored.

On August 1, 1946, those veterans had had enough. The decided they didn't fight fascists overseas just so that they could submit to tyrants at home. The G.I.s, rose up. They fought the Battle of Athens, Tennessee. And they won. They rousted the corrupt government by force of arms.

This story is little known to most Americans. But it should never be forgotten by anyone who cares about the real reason the founders enshrined our right to keep and bear arms in the Bill of Rights.

On this anniversary of the battle, we urge you to read or re- read the short, article-length version of this historic event. You'll find it on the JPFO Web site at

Then pass the URL along to your e-mail lists and all your friends and patriotic neighbors.

The Battle of Athens was once the subject of a hard-cover book of that name by C. Stephen Byrum, (Paidia Productions, Chattanooga, TN, 1987). The book is out of print now, But JPFO has a comprehensive, 10,000-word article about the battle from the January 1995 Firearns Sentinel (now the Bill of Rights Sentinel). Copies are available for $5.00 postage paid. This is an extensive article with keen insights and details about how this unorganized militia defended freedom, pummelled the parasitic politicians, and brought about clean government with their newly founded G.I. Party. You can order a copy at the above link.

The Liberty Crew

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