JPFO Alerts
Jews For The Preservation of Firearms Ownership, Inc.
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November 18, 2005
The Real Danger to Jewish People
(It may be other Jews!)Quick - in 10 seconds, name the top three real dangers to Jewish people in the world.
Time's up. Chances are you identified one or more of these true threats to Jews: Palestinian terror bombers, growing violent anti-Semitism in Europe, and radical segments of the Arab/Muslim world.
Did you even for a moment consider "American Christians" as a primary danger to Jews? JPFO would never even imagine it.
Leave it to Abe Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), to lash out against evangelical Christians in America. That's right - Foxman is raising money from his loyal supporters on the pretext that such Christians pose a serious threat to American Jews.
Unsurprisingly, Foxman and the ADL are strongly anti-rights, and support the most prohibitive of "gun control" regimes. The ADL routinely aligns itself with the heavily statist, socialist, big government forces on the political Left. It is the political Left that screams to have the Jewish Ten Commandments removed from every public place in America. It is the Left that today most vocally attacks Israel, the only state in the Middle East that is democratic, and the only state in the world that is openly Jewish.
Meanwhile, evangelical Christians in America tend to be pro-rights, pro-Constitution, pro-Ten Commandments, and pro-self defense. Evangelical Christians overwhelmingly support Israel's right to exist, and they frequently reach out to support Jews in America and other nations.
So why does it make sense for the self-described Jewish ADL to attack the strongly pro-Israel and pro-Jewish group in America? Why does it make sense for the ADL to align with the Left that hates Israel while sympathizing with homicide bombers?
We at JPFO suggest these answers.
Fundamentally, Foxman and the ADL are statist socialists first and foremost, Americans a distant second, and Jewish dead last. By contrast, evangelical Christianity tends to favor Biblical values which include ideas of limited government, individual freedom, and personal and family responsibility. Evangelical Christians lean strongly toward loving American values and traditions.
Morally, Foxman and the ADL are cowardly. If they attack American Christians, the Christians will respond by writing letters and speaking out … at most. If Foxman and the ADL attack radical Muslims or European anti-Semites, the responses very likely might be assassinations and bombings that kill Jews and others. So, Foxman and the ADL shoot at friendlies instead of real enemies, knowing the friendlies won't shoot back.
Financially, Foxman and the ADL are raising money from their usual supporters. They need only to ring out "the Christians are coming" and their captive sheep send in thousands of dollars. Compare that despicable hate-mongering to the fact that mainstream evangelical Christians never raise money by generating fear of Jews.
Thoughtful Americans, whether Jewish, Christian, or non-religious, can see Foxman's cynical, cowardly, hateful jihad for what it is.
Happy Shabbos, Abe.
- The Liberty Crew
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