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December 22, 2006

Bill of Rights Day a Success!

We'd like to thank everyone who made this Bill of Rights Day, December 15, such a success.

Renee Kimball's celebration at The Bomber Restaurant in Oregon was joined by over 50 people, and Jim and Margie's gathering in Evansville, Indiana garnered _90_! Those who have been following our alerts know that there were many other Bill of Rights Day celebrations as well.

This is the time to plan your events for next year's celebration. And we've got a new idea for you.

Like us, every year you no doubt receive a promotional calendar from your drycleaner, your dentist, your pool-cleaning service, and half a dozen other companies. Most of those calendars are helpfully marked with various holidays. This year, contact the publisher of the calendar and ask them to add Bill of Rights Day on December 15. The contact information is usually printed on the back or bottom of the calendar. And if the publisher has any questions, just send them to our website at !

We also ask that you let us know the publishers you've contacted. That way we can encourage others to contact that same publisher. If many people request it, there is a better chance of making it happen!

By doing the above, you'll ensure that EVERYONE who receives a calendar will be reminded of that day when we honor our national heritage, the Bill of Rights. This is something very simple that you can do to help protect your rights, and it could influence potentially MILLIONS of people.

So let's spread the word in 2007!

- The Liberty Crew

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