We've been keeping our readers abreast of the trials endured by Red's
Trading Post, Idaho's oldest gun shop, which has been targeted by
the BATFE. You can read our previous updates on Red's (as well as
links to news articles on this travesty) at www.jpfo.org/filegen-n-z/redstradingpost.htm
or visit Red's own site at www.redstradingpost.com
Despite having won an injuction to keep their business running, Red's
is _still_ being harassed, seemingly because owner Ryan Horsley
continues to speak publicly about the situation. On Tuesday of this
week, David Codrea revealed in his "War on Guns" blog that
BATFE agents "...had threatened [Ryan Horsley] that he needed
to cease all blogging and keep their agents and inspectors free from
being photographed or observed, or they would go to the judge and
file a complaint of harassment."
You can read the blog and the complaint that the ATF subsequently
filed against Horsley's exercise of the First Amendment here: http://waronguns.blogspot.com/2007/07/breaking-news-batfu-accuses-reds-of.html
or http://tinyurl.com/2lv4ze
We'd like to draw your attention especially to the line "...videotaping
and photographing of ATF personnel is not disallowed by law or regulation;
howevever, the use of those images ... are subject to certain restrictions."
Considering the number of newsclips in which the ATF is featured bursting
heroically into a houseful of alleged terrorists, those restrictions
on video or photographs apparently only apply when they show the ATF
in a bad light.
As desperately afraid the ATF is of having their firearms tests documented
by videotape, one can hardly be surprised by this attitude.
We also found the following statement interesting: "[After an
employee videotaped an inspection] Red's was notified that these images
were not to be used _for any documentary_ or without
the consent of the ATF." (emphasis ours). JPFO has produced
two documentaries that show the BATFE in a bad light, _BATFE Fails
the Test_ ( http://shop.jpfo.org/cart.php?m=product_detail&p=38
) and _The Gang_ ( www.thegangmovie.com
). BATFE knows this, and knows that we've been closely monitoring
the situation at Red's. Could this have been a ploy to prevent us
from publicizing Red's case in a future documentary?
We urge you to read the complaint. The ATF wants to hide its dirty
deeds -- it's up to us to expose them for what they are. Share the
links with everyone you know, and remember: the more people who see
_The Gang_, the sooner we can shut down this rogue agency.
- The Liberty Crew