Today is April 19th. Two hundred and thirty five years ago real Americans challenged their masters and forcibly demanded an end to British tyranny.
We have benefited greatly from their bravery but need to educate our youth in not only the history of that day, but also how the same hatred for freedom lives today in America.
We all know the story of the British demanding "Lay down your arms, you damned rebels ...'' on April 19,1775. Instead, brave Americans gave lead not arms to the kings tyrants and a great country was born. Read about this event and teach others.
This is also a most appropriate day to share our award winning film "2A Today for the USA" to help others appreciate The Second Amendment, the guardian of our Bill of Rights.
A happy and joyous April 19th to all and may you celebrate it with as much gusto as the 4th of July.
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The Liberty Crew
Protecting you by creating solutions to destroy "gun control"