August 29th, 2011

Please use this valuable 2A awareness tool!


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Many JPFO Members and supporters are pro-gun activists. The Second Amendment Foundation has a very useful and up-to-date web site called

For the firearms rights activist, or the gun owner who wants to keep up with the latest, this is a terrific "one stop shopping" source. You don’t have to surf all the web to get the latest gun news. The KABA web site has already done it for you. You’ll find stories that might have dropped "through the cracks" at Drudge and Fox News … or even World Net Daily.

The KABA web site strongly supports JPFO. So let’s support them! Let all your friends and allies know this web site is there for us.

p.s. And also visit !  Fred Riehl is a great JPFO supporter as well.


The JPFO Liberty Crew
Protecting you by creating solutions to destroy "gun control"



JPFO's new "Triple Play" DVD - all three major recent films on one DVD

JPFO Freedom Music - enjoy the "I Will Live Free" CD - sale price $17.76

JPFO hats and patches are now available per your request, at the JPFO Store.

( Reminder - our experiment about you finding other JPFO folks. )


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