February 18th, 2013

JPFO Mourns a Loss


It is with great sadness that we must inform you of the recent passing of LaVonne Schuett. Whenever the history of JPFO is considered, LaVonne and JPFO's founder Aaron Zelman are properly inseparable memories.

If you have called JPFO's main office at any time in the past ten years, you have spoken with LaVonne. LaVonne was an active shooter and outdoor fan who already had a strong commitment to the Second Amendment when she first joined our team. She quickly became loyal to Aaron and to the JPFO "no-compromise" philosophy, investing her loyalty and labor in JPFO for over a decade.

While she rose to become a member of our Board of Directors, no task in the JPFO operation was too small for LaVonne. If you ever ordered one of JPFO's many products -- whether on-line, by mail, or in person -- LaVonne personally made sure that it was shipped to you promptly with love and care. She added a personal touch to all of our business operations and helped us all through many difficult times, including the passing of our founder and her friend Aaron Zelman, as well as the loss of our Research Director Kirby Ferris.

We, the defenders of the Second Amendment, have lost a friend and patriot. May G-d comfort all those who mourn for her.

The L-rd gave her to us; the L-rd has taken her away; may the L-rd be blessed for all Eternity.

Please note that the JPFO office will be closed on Wednesday in LaVonne's honor.

Signed: Rabbi Dovid Bendory, Robert Meier, Charles Heller, Bruce Bell, Chris Webmaster, Sue Schmidt.

A footnote from your webmaster. LaVonne was someone I have known, only over the phone, for over five years -- sufficient in fact to feel she was a good friend as well as business associate. She was always charming, gracious, patient, and totally loyal to JPFO, with a flair for sometimes unexpected subtle humor too. Her loss is sudden and very painful -- I was very privelaged to have worked with her.

Yours in Freedom, The Liberty Crew at JPFO
Protecting you by creating solutions to destroy "gun control"

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