December 31st 2013

Sandy Hook and the Body Count of Gun Control

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JPFO wishes all members and subscribers
a Happy and Peaceful New Year

The media predictably once again made major mileage out of the Sandy Hook tragedy on its anniversary (we are not wishing to diminish its magnitude), but as usual chose to ignore the other side of the story -- which is the fact that to counter violence requires the ability to answer in kind -- usually that means having the ability to be properly armed.

Rob Morse takes this up and states some examples of cases he was personally aware of, and also applies some pure common sense to the situation. One classic example many know about was that experienced by Suzanna Hupp in 1991 - a potentially avoidable tragedy if there ever was one.

"Gun Control" does not save lives -->

Remember - "Holiday Membership Special: New or Renew. More for you!"
available thru December 31st

New: Book Offer -- "Gun Control in the Third Reich",
an explosive new book by Stephen Halbrook.

Back by popular demand is the JPFO window sticker - 3½ x 3½ in size and the adhesive is placed such that adhesion can be to the inside of glass, thus keeping it out of the elements. It is now available from the JPFO Store - get yours today.

Refer to the "Sandy Hook Index" for an archive collection of valuable material we have shown since the events at the Newtown Elementary School.

Useful quote --
"An efficient militia is authorized and contemplated by the Constitution and required by the spirit and safety of free government." -- James Madison

Yours in Freedom, The Liberty Crew at JPFO
Protecting you by creating solutions to destroy "gun control"

"Waco a New Revelation".
Purchase the DVD direct from the JPFO Store

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