
6-Time Olympic Shooting Medalist
Says Gun Control Is 'Killing Our Sport'


By Tré Goins-Phillips, August 15th, 2016

Six-time Olympic shooting medalist Kim Rhode said Monday night that new gun control measures implemented in her home state of California -- and around the country -- are "killing our sport at the core."

"That's something that I have, you know, feel very strongly about speaking out about and really trying to educate the general public about these laws that are being passed," Rhode told TheBlaze's Dana Loesch

During this year's Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Rhode became the first woman to ever medal at six straight Olympic games, but she fears the recent rash of gun control legislation could greatly damage the accessibility of her sport, and ultimately, firearms in general.

Rhode said Gov. Jerry Brown (D) just signed a law that requires a background check "each and every time" she purchases ammunition. The Olympian told Loesch she averages "500 and 1,000 rounds a day" while she's in training. However, it is important to note that, according to a report from The Los Angeles Times, frequent buyers will be added to a database of ammunition purchasers.

She went on to say she's unsure how the sponsors who ship her ammunition will be affected because of a new bill that prohibits the possession of high-capacity rounds, which are defined as those holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition, according to The New York Times. .......

This situation is typical of the effects of infringements on gun rights, which also affects shooting sports. Several problems are ridiculous -- inability to share a firearm when helping someone (who is required to get a background check) start shooting, then the restriction on passing on firearms within a family. Add to this the databasing of ammo purchases and other restrictions - the 2A is most definitely being infringed.

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