
State Police Illegally Ties Drivers License
To Carry Permits Violating the Law

By Tony Oliva. October 3rd, 2016

What good are laws when even the law-keepers refuse to obey them?

That is the question facing the law abiding citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania as the State Police are actively breaking the law by having a persons LTCF disclosed to them whenever they pull over a driver. You see, a recent update to the NCIC was done that now couples the information so when they run your drivers license they will also be informed whether you have a license to carry a firearm.

Only one problem…such a move is completely illegal.

To wit:

8 Pa.C.S. § 6111(g)(3.1) provides:

Any person, licensed dealer, licensed manufacturer or licensed importer who knowingly and intentionally obtains or furnishes information collected or maintained pursuant to section 6109 [LTCF firearms information] for any purpose other than compliance with this chapter or who knowingly or intentionally disseminates, publishes or otherwise makes available such information to any person other than the subject of the information commitsa felony of the third degree.

Gun control advocates bray on about how a slippery slope doesn't exist and no one is coming to take our guns. The abuse of the permit system currently taking place in Pennsylvania is a prime example that they are lying. ......

This is another example of laws for some and not for others - laws and statutes are relatively clearly laid out but if those do not suit some departments or agencies it seems they can be conveniently ignored. Sometimes we even see phantom laws dreamed up to serve a nefarious purpose - relying on the public's ignorance.

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