The Associated Press is not a friend of ours. John “More Guns, Less Crime” Lott exposed their anti-gun animus in his 2003 opus The Bias Against Guns. The news service has dialed it back in the last decade or so – as numerous firearms-related factual errors have been exposed. But here’s another one …
In a story about Constitutional or “permitless” carry moving through the New Hampshire legislative process – headlined Gov. Sununu Likely to Sign Concealed Carry Bill at – the AP wrote that “The National Rifle Association says concealed carry is legal in 11 states, including Maine and Vermont.”
The problem: the AP left out an important qualifier.
The one thing that frequently seems true, is that anti-gun groups show either ignorance of gun facts or simply skew data to further their cause. It is important when we see inaccuracies to ensure that true facts are given to those who are easily taken in, so as to maintain truth rather than fiction. The map shown tells quite a story - much is sadly predictable.
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