There are probably many who already have come across "Gun Facts"™ - a detailed work that exposes countless myths about 'gun control'. However, it is very likely there are also a great many who have not yet seen this valuable reference work and to that end we bring it to our reader's attention.
"Gun Facts"™ by Guy Smith, is currently in its Version 7.0 incarnation and is available in PDF form, as well as a printed version from Amazon. Details on where you can get this follow --
Gun Facts website.
Gun Facts V7.0 PDF for viewing on your computer.
Gun Facts V7.0 print friendly.
Gun facts V7.0 in paperback book format.
Gun Facts V7.0 from JPFO if any problem downloading from Guy's site.
Every gun owner should have a copy (anti gun folks too!) such that they are better equipped to deal with the 'gun control' lobby people they inevitably come across - the better to help them counter what is so often totally incorrect information. Guy makes no charge for this but does encourage donation help in order to assist him to maintain his site and the huge work he puts in.
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Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
12500 NE 10th Pl.
Bellevue, WA 98005 USA
"America's most aggressive defender of civil rights"
We make the NRA look like moderates