
Bigotry and the failed
fantasy of gun-control

By Rob Morse. May 12th, 2017

Bigotry works for politicians. After the civil war, white Democrats promoted fear of newly freed blacks. Today, black Democrats promote fear of free blacks who will defend themselves and the people they love. Politicians always wrap themselves in the cloak of public safety. In fact, that cloak is usually the white sheet of bigotry directed against minorities and the poor.

Democrat Congressman John Lewis said we need him so we can be safe. Lewis also said that honest gun owners are not welcome in Atlanta. "I must say to the NRA that you are not welcome here in the 5th district, you are not welcome here in Atlanta." That would have come as quite a shock to gun owner Martin Luther King Junior who was born in Atlanta. Last month Congressman Lewis said, "We need to make our cities, our states, our neighborhoods free of gun violence."

Murder isn't a racial problem. Murder isn't a national problem. Murder is a local problem, and let's see if Democrat politicians actually keep us safe. Research by the Crime Prevention Research Center found out that here in the US only a few counties produce most of our homicides. These are populous counties, to be sure, but there remain large areas of peace and quiet even within our most violent counties.

Los Angeles gives us a living example. California has strict statewide gun laws. In Los Angeles today, ordinary citizens can not get a permit to carry a concealed weapon in public. Those are the restrictions Congressman Lewis asked for, yet Los Angeles County had over 500 murders and thousands of assaults last year. .......

On May 1st we referred to the local/regional nature of homicides, something that Rob Morse also refers to here - murder is not a national problem but a local one. Indeed, to condemn the innocent (all the good guys) for the actions of the few is the classic approach from the bigotted anti-gun movement, who consistently paint the situation with the same broad brush of innaccuracy and distortion of facts for their own ends.

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