The Arizona Department of Transportation has added a section to its drivers manual suggesting the proper behavior for an armed driver, when stopped by police. The change was prompted by the tragic Philando Castile case.
From, the manual change was requested by Democratic state Representative Reginald Bolding, from District 27. District 27 is a solidly Democrat stronghold in South Phoenix. Bolding was elected in 2014 and re-elected in 2016.
From , page 57 of the Drivers License Manuel :
Inform the officer of any weapons on
your person or in the vehicle.
In addition to the guidelines above, drivers
with firearms in the vehicle should keep
your hands on the steering wheel in a visible
location and when the officer approaches
let them know that you have a firearm in the
vehicle and where the firearm is located. If
requested, the officer may take possession
of the weapon, for safety reasons, until the
contact is complete.
Arizona law does not require that people carrying concealed weapons notify police, but it requires that people carrying a concealed deadly weapon answer truthfully if asked by police if they are carrying . If the officer does not ask, a person who is carrying a concealed weapon is not obligated to tell the officer they are armed.
The issue of vehicular carry can be contentious - some claim it's no one's business whether they are armed or not - others see it more from the law enforcement angle whereby we realize the potential dangers faced by an officer during a traffic stop. The Arizona model could well be seen as a good compromise but most important in any state is the use of common sense such that a 'situation' is not allowed to develop with potentially dangerous consequences.
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