Over the years, numerous gun channels on YouTube have mentioned their troubles with the internet streaming service. This has been an ongoing problem with YouTube, with numerous reports existing of channels having videos demonetized for ridiculous reasons. By ridiculous, I mean videos and channels supposedly violating the terms of service, but that don't actually violate the terms of service.
Now, YouTube has a policy where all firearms related content is restricted and demonized from the start, and can only be approved after a set of human eyeballs at YouTube approves it.
Well, as The Truth About Guns reports, maybe not all firearms related content...
If a gun owner/enthusiast places videos on YouTube they now must face being sanctioned in various ways - on the other hand, if an anti-gun group (Bloomberg etc) is involved, then that's just fine. This also appears to extend to search preferences, with restrictive search criteria potentially being applied when it comes to gun owner submissions. This is all certainly another strong example of very double standards, blatently linked to "guns equal bad".
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