Taran Butler is one of the world's best 3-gun shooters . He's turned his experience and expertise into a profitable company, training for individuals and movie stars like Keanu Reeves as well as marketing competition focused gear and Taran Butler licensed firearms. While he's made his fortune thanks to the support of Second Amendment-loving gun owners, one of his sponsored shooters -- Rochelle Hathaway -- believes no one should be allowed to own more than three firearms and the government should take away our guns for our own good . . .
From Glamour magazine's article where they asked a number of women at SHOT Show about their opinions on guns:
What do you say to people who question the value of a private citizen owning a gun?
I think that if there were less guns, there would be less shootings, period. If the government came in and decided to take the guns away, I wouldn't be mad about it. I think it's important to be able to feel safe in your home, but you don't need more than three guns. You don't need to own a semiautomatic weapon or a silencer.
When mass shootings or school shootings happen--like the one this week--does it ever make you rethink your position?
Going to the Second Amendment, I don't think they had AK-47s and everything else in mind [when they imagined] the right to bear arms and protecting yourself. At SHOT show, you can kind of see how much it's evolved into thousands and thousands of people dumping millions and millions of dollars into the industry ....I guess I'd say it's almost unfortunate people think that they need so much.
According to sources, the interview took place in a nearby hotel room, not on the SHOT Show floor (Glamour didn't have media credentials.)
This lady is a sponsored shooter it seems. Therefore if she competes in three gun, it would then appear she uses a semi-auto rifle within the discipline, and if that is the case then her statements (assuming hers) are ludicrous. Leaving the competition aspects aside these are still absurd comments (from anyone) and all too typical of those who just do not 'get it' when it comes to the Second Amendment. "Only need three guns" - another example of what we are up against.
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