There's a Way to Stop Mass Shootings, and You Won't Like It.
That's right. You're not going to like it because it's going to require you to do something personally, as opposed to shouting for the government, or anyone to "do something!"
You ready? Here it is:
"Notice those around you who seem isolated, and engage them."
If every one of us did this we'd have a culture that was deeply committed to ensuring no one was left lonely. And make no mistake, as I"ve written before loneliness is what causes these shooters to lash out. People with solid connections to other people don't indiscriminately fire guns at strangers.
I know what you're thinking. That's never going to work because no one is going to make the effort to connect with the strange kid sitting by himself at lunch each day. No one is going to reach out to the gawky, awkward guy at work and ask him about his weekend.
You're probably right and that's an absolute shame.
Because I can tell you the things that aren't going to work in this country when it comes to stopping these heinous acts. But they seem to be all anyone says, when inevitably, another person comes forward to inflict their tortured pain on innocent people....
This is a rather different opinion and perhaps not one all might agree with - but, there is a certain logic. This is a "people" approach and not trying to tackle the 'guns problem' - and it's fairly certain that those bent on mass murder may by some means obtain or have obtained a firearm, laws or no laws. A slightly similar approach has been taken by a school teacher, who also is not considering the 'gun problem'. Of course, beyond these rather different ideas, is the usual and continuing "gun-free-zone" factor.
"You don't have to be Jewish to fight by our side."
You just have to love freedom.
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Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
12500 NE 10th Pl.
Bellevue, WA 98005 USA
"America's most aggressive defender of civil rights"
We make the NRA look like moderates