Defending our students is a serious issue. It deserves more thought than a sound bite or a tweet. Unfortunately, politics is driven by emotion rather than reason, by appearances rather than by facts. I've heard bad arguments about arming teachers and about disarming them. Let's look at the issue piece at a time. Let's separate fact from fiction.
Perhaps you've heard this.
Should teachers be armed at school?
Each of us has something different in mind when we think about "allowing guns in schools." Even the definition of school is different from state to state. Regulations may extend from daycare facilities to postgraduate research sites and hospitals. These "schools" may be privately owned, operated by a church, or publicly funded. Do the regulations cover the classroom during school hours, or the parents' van when students are on a fieldtrip after school? Describing what we mean eliminates a lot of soundbite confusion.
The issue is complicated. Who is responsible for authorizing armed staff? Is it the school principal, the school board, or the local sheriff? Usually they are all involved in approving a program and selecting volunteers....
There are many questions and many answers. Some questions should not even have to be asked at all and, many answers are likely to be ignored or treated with derision by the 'gun control' crowd. More and more we see the need to positively "harden" school's security in order to enable a fast and responsible response to any murderous rampage.
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Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
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Bellevue, WA 98005 USA
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