12500 N.E. Tenth Place • Bellevue, WA 98005 • JPFO.org • 800-869-1884 • info@jpfo.org
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE • May 21, 2018 • Contact Floyd Neeland
“But it increases our audience!”
Ethical Guideline: Don't Inspire Evil
“Refrain from gratuitous or repetitious portrayal
of mass murderers' names and images.”
Too many news outlets relish the chance to sink to the lowest common sensational interest. News sources displaying names and images of the most heinous mass murderers on page one are giving positive incentives to those murderers. Conferring fame upon murderers is not “news,” it is a corrupt financial misuse of the public trust. Media outlets that profit from mass murder deserve scorn, boycotts and open recognition for their encouraging copycat murder and societal decay.
Police see how media encourages mass murderers and they oppose making killers famous. The medical and psychological establishments recognize the effects and publish scientific papers denouncing the practice. The public sees what's going on, abandons the so-called “news” in droves, and loses trust in mainstream media. Meanwhile, mass-media reporters, editors and producers laugh, drink at their parties, rake in cash from useful idiots, and feign ignorance as audiences shrink, credibility evaporates and the public is revulsed. JPFO calls upon the Fourth Estate to wake up to their complicity in mass murder. Stop publicizing the names and faces of killers.
Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, http://www.jpfo.org is America’s most aggressive civil-rights organization, dedicated to destroying the notion of “gun control” as any kind of credible public-policy position. So-called “gun control” does not control guns and doesn’t control criminal behavior. What it does do is disarm the innocent, leaving them helpless in the face of criminals, tyrannical governments and genocide. History repeatedly proves this fact. Founded in 1989 by Aaron Zelman as a response to the Holocaust, JPFO speaks with the moral authority and tenacious commitment of survivors of persecution, and knows that surrendering your personal and family safety to government protection courts disaster. “You don’t have to be Jewish to fight by our side, you just have to love liberty.”