I have one small thing to ask of the gun-prohibitionists. Please stop lying to us. For extra credit, I’d like the rights-restrictors to stop lying to themselves as well. Even that may be too much to ask. If the gun control advocates must lie, then please make up some creative propaganda because the old lies are wearing thin. Here are some obvious ones, and see if you agree.
The police will take care of us.
The courts have ruled time and again that the police have no duty to protect us. The police are not liable for our protection even if you called the police and asked for help before you were attacked. The police collect evidence of a crime. If a criminal is active long enough, then eventually the police might catch him. Whether a jury will convict the criminal, whether a judge will sentence him and he will actually serve his sentence, is another question entirely. The police might, or might not, stop a crime committed right in front of them.
Let’s look at the problem from another perspective. Please conduct this experiment yourself. I couldn’t make a cell phone call while my wife was trying to tickle me, and I am only slightly ticklish. I couldn’t call the police even though I am considerably larger and stronger than my wife.
Criminals are far more brutal. I certainly couldn’t make a 911 call while I was being beaten, raped, stabbed, or shot.. and I don’t want you to try this for yourself. We can try and call the police once the attack is over if we still have our cell phones and our wits. The average police response time in the US is twelve and a half minutes.
Robberies are over in seconds. The police can’t take care of us when danger strikes.
The 'usual' lies seem to persist and get worse, along with the favorite buzz words such as "reasonable" and "sensible" for 'gun control' measures - and let's stop using the ridiculous term "gun violence". Couple all this with often blatant ignorance about firearms in general and we can see just how much the dice are loaded against law abiding gun owners and their rights.
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You just have to love freedom.
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Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership
12500 NE 10th Pl.
Bellevue, WA 98005 USA
"America's most aggressive defender of civil rights"
We make the NRA look like moderates