It is sad that we have to protect our students from violence. Politicians won't tell you, but we can do a lot to prevent the violent attacks on our schools and churches. Preventing a mass murder stops the violent event before it happens. In contrast, responding to an attack stops the violence once it has started. We want to do both. Prevention isn't easy but it has a huge reward. We win, every violent attack that we can avoid. Here are four steps to prevent attacks on our schools. Politicians won't talk about these solutions because they are simple to describe but have profound effects on our personal lives.
An intact marriage is a powerful preventative for public violence. You already knew that, and from several sources. It confirms your suspicions that the mass murderers in 26 of our 27 deadliest attacks came from fatherless homes. You already knew that most violent criminals are men. You noticed that most violent criminals grew up without a father.
You knew that boys are more sensitive than girls to family breakup. Boys need a nurturing mother AND a disciplinarian father so that the boys grow to become socially attached and psychologically whole. Boys learn patience and emotional resilience from their father. You knew that boys become frustrated and angry outcasts when they fail to learn those lessons.
Fatherless boys and girls are delayed or depressed in dozens of social markers. However, the expression of that failure in the form of public violence is usually seen in boys rather than in girls.
I did not say that unwed moms produce mass murderers. I said that adults who lack self-control predominantly come from homes without a father. If you want a society where people control their violent impulses then you should support marriage.
Several more factors are discussed - news media and celebrity violence, 'synthetic violence', mental institution failures and 'killing zones'. In total, the factors are broad spread but all have their place when it comes to trying to tackle the problem, no single one necessarily being a prime. Concentrating on these rather than the eternal call for (even) more 'gun control' could be effort well spent instead of trying to demonize the law abiding gun owner.