We Are the Gun Lobby!

By Beth Alcazar, November 5, 2019
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Who or what, exactly, is the gun lobby?

What does that term mean to you? Is the gun lobby some political organization? Is it an untouchable group of people? Is it some elite corporate entity? Or is the gun lobby the one-sided, evil-minded "terrorists" the media tries to make it out to be?

Claim It

No matter what you thought it was or what others have told you it means, the 2A community needs to look at the term "gun lobby" and claim it for ourselves. All of us. Every single one. Not just Republicans. Not just Democrats. Not just hunters or competitive shooters or gun owners. Not just the NRA or the GOA or the USCCA. Everyone.

Protect It

With our rights under attack, we can't just leave the Second Amendment up to some "organized group" to fight for and protect. We can"t wait for someone else to do something for us. And we certainly can't lose ground in the meantime. History has shown that if we do not exercise and preserve our rights, those rights are eventually lost. And once a right is lost, it is almost impossible to get it back.

For this reason, we need to pay attention to laws and legislation. We need to contact our representatives -- whether that includes writing them, calling them, emailing them or making appointments to see them in person -- and we need to take the lead in combating calls for tighter gun laws. The assaults on our rights must be addressed with our voices and with our votes.

Share It

Ultimately, it is up to all of us everyday, ordinary people to share the importance of the right to keep and bear arms with all who will listen. So stand up and be heard! We are pro-2A. We are pro-rights. We are the gun lobby! And the gun lobby can only be as influential as the individuals who support it ... and the individuals who are part of it.

About Beth Alcazar

Boasting several training certifications including TWAW, SIG Sauer Academy, ALICE Institute and I.C.E. Training, Beth Alcazar is enthusiastic about safe and responsible firearms ownership. She has nearly two decades in the firearms industry and is a Certified Training Instructor and Senior Training Counselor for the USCCA and Training Counselor, Chief Range Safety Officer and Certified Instructor for the NRA. The associate editor of Concealed Carry Magazine, Beth also uses her experience and degrees in language arts, education and communication management to author the Pacifiers & Peacemakers column as well as Women's Handgun & Self-Defense Fundamentals.


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