Fed Gov Includes Firearms
Industry as Essential

By Dean Weingarten. April 02, 2020
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The Trump administration, as part of the struggle to contain and slow the spread of the Wuhan Flu, has issued a list of "Essential Critical Infrastructure Workers". The list has come from the Department of Homeland Security.

While the list is advisory, is not a directive, and has no penalties attached, it shows the thinking and priorities of the administration.

Producers, distributors, and retailers of firearms and ammunition are considered essential. In the excerpt below, the highlighting has been added. From Infrastructure Workforce PDF:


While this was not an edict but rather an advisory, it was still encouraging to hear. Despite that however there have been many cases where at state and even local levels, intransigent officials have doggedly stuck to their anti 2A view of 'non-essential' business. Law suits by SAF, GAO etc have achieved some notable reversals but even so, there are way too many closed gun shops and cessations of carry permiting.


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