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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE  • May 23, 2022  •  Contact: Floyd Neeland

Is mass media leading America astray?

Don't Call Murderers "Shooters"

And they're not gunmen either—a completely sexist term

You may think you're getting news, when you're being filled with prejudice

Mass media is on a non-stop campaign to vilify and outlaw America's hardware of liberty—firearms. In a self-defeating mantra, the very tools needed to preserve freedom of the press, and all other freedoms we enjoy here, are under withering attack by the so-called Fourth Estate. It has become a Fifth Column in the deliberate effort to undermine all the good this country represents for the world.

A significant segment of Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership,, and this nation, are shooters. That term reporters and editors misuse to misdirect thinking about murderers. A mass murderer and a shooter are different things. Conflating these terms is offensive. It insults the fine art and skills of shooting, and learning to shoot better. Journalists are making a good thing sound evil and criminal.

All of us who practice are shooters. It's what we call ourselves. Shooting is what we do—the number two participant sport, just behind exercise and ahead of golf, with billions in sales annually. When a vicious or psychopathic person makes the choice to become a murderer, and do drive-by murders, or go to a carefully selected defenseless place to kill innocents—these make-believe "gun-free zones"—mass media must start recognizing these monsters as killers, murderers, psychopaths, villains. Stop linking the decent act of shooting with the heinous act of violating the Ten Commandments. "Thou shalt not murder." Failure to make this distinction places blame on women and men who write those propaganda pieces, hurting our freedom.

Guns are good. Guns save lives, stop crime, keep you safe. The abject removal of the art of the firearm makes media complicit in what's happening. Not the least of that is distorting the picture with incessant focus on single "high-profile" atrocities. Media ignores constant thousands of essentially black people murdering other black people, in "disadvantaged" neighborhoods, 9,700 last year alone. While you are constantly fed repetitious stories about one mental case in a far-away city, murderers (not shooters) right near you are taking innocent lives. Your local "news" media is missing the story. Shame on them.

JPFO says promote good shooting skills, range time and practice, and staying safely and peacefully armed. Distinguish marksmanship from crime. Don't compare or create false equations between evil running rampant in several cities, and gun owners. Identify who is directly at fault for murder—criminals. Respect America's 100 million decent citizens preserving freedom by exercising the Second Amendment in positive ways.


Ask JPFO to join you on air. We know our stuff.

“Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, is America’s most aggressive civil-rights organization, dedicated to destroying the notion of 'gun control' as any kind of credible public-policy position. So-called 'gun control' does not control guns and doesn’t control criminal behavior. What it does is disarm the innocent, leaving them helpless in the face of criminals, tyrannical governments and genocide. History repeatedly proves this fact. Founded in 1989 by Aaron Zelman as a response to the Holocaust, JPFO speaks with the moral authority and tenacious commitment of survivors of persecution, and knows that surrendering your personal and family safety to government protection courts disaster. You don’t have to be Jewish to fight by our side, you just have to love liberty.”