My good friend Michael Hoffman recently wrote an outstanding thesis on the subject of the growing efforts of Democrats (and some Republicans) to push the anti-Second Amendment envelope as far as possible. I borrowed the title of Michael’s thesis for the title of this column.
For instance, right now Tennessee Republican Governor Bill Lee is calling a special session of the legislature—probably convening in July—to take up a Red Flag gun confiscation bill. But Lee’s proposal goes further than any previous Red Flag law: It actually includes many prescription drugs that a person is taking as a cause to confiscate their guns.
The proposed Tennessee Red Flag gun confiscation bill is a MONSTER!
Here is a short list of some of the medical disorders that could disqualify a Tennessee citizen from exercising their right to keep and bear arms, depending on the medication they take:
Under Governor Lee’s proposed gun confiscation bill, laws protecting medical privacy, such as HIPPA and others, would be suspended, and physicians or pharmacists would be required by law to report the use of medications used to treat the above disorders to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation—which could trigger the confiscation of the person’s firearms.
It's hard to think that the word "diabolic" is even strong enough to describe this plan, which goes beyond even the most furtile imagination. It has to be seen as one of the most anti 2A schemes dreamed up so far although looking around it may yet be in good company.