Guns DO NOT Murder People:
Criminals Do! Statistics on Violence,
Gun Ownership, and 'Gun Control'

By Tom Grieve. July 9, 2023

According to a 2017 pew research study, urban counties in America are overwhelmingly democrat at 62% of residents identifying as democrat while 31% say they are republican, the suburbs are nearly a toss up and vary from one metropolitan area and election cycle to the next, and the rural counties fall heavily republican by a margin of 54% to 38%. So in short, Cities are democrat by about a 31% gap, which is about 2:1 democrat to republican, while rural areas are republican by much smaller but still significant 16% gap.

According to a 2020 Gallup poll, about 50% of republicans surveyed said that they owned guns. This is compared to 29% of independents and 18% of democrats who reported owning a gun.

Another study from 2017 confirms this by citing that about 60% of the rural homes own a gun, 40% of suburban homes own a gun, while 28% of urban homes own a gun. So we can safely say: there are more guns by population outside of cities rather than inside of them. ..... - (And watch video)


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