Pope Francis Wants Everyone
Except the Men Protecting Him
to Give Up Their Weapons

"Rome will be conquered in the near future, Allah willing"

By Tim Brown. Dec 26, 2023

Great. It's time for another call for "peace" that will be achieved by giving up all our weapons.

Pope Francis on Monday blasted the weapons industry and its "instruments of death" that fuel wars as he made a Christmas Day appeal for peace in the world and in particular between Israel and the Palestinians…

"It should be talked about and written about, so as to bring to light the interests and the profits that move the puppet strings of war," he said. "And how can we even speak of peace, when arms production, sales and trade are on the rise?"

If he's going to give up weapons, maybe start with telling the Swiss Guard to give up its "instruments of death"?

"For their protection and guard functions, the guards are equipped with Glock 19 and 26 automatic pistols, SIG 550 assault rifle (Stgw 90 ) and SIG 552 assault rifle (Commando), both in 5.56 mm x 45 caliber, OC-Spray and destabilizing devices (Taser X2). modernization of the already aging Stgw 90 (which was donated by the Swiss Army at the time), currently B&T APC 556 assault rifles and B&T APC 9 submachine guns are used."

Beyond these, the only reason Vatican City isn't overrun by guys with machine guns mounted on pickup trucks howling, "Allahu Akbar" is because there still is an Italian military, under the Lateran Treaty, such as it is, armed with some of those "instruments of death". .....


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