Some guns auctioned off by KSP in 2022
A bill before the Kentucky legislature aims to roll back a reform of firearms law enacted to preserve resources for the benefit of the public.
In the year 2000, on July 14, a Kentucky gun law reform bill became effective. The bill prevented departments from destroying valuable property. It required police departments to send the property to the Kentucky State Police (KSP) to be auctioned to firearm dealers instead of being destroyed.
The funds obtained by the auction are used to help make police departments more effective. Since the year 2000, about 20 million dollars of revenue has been generated by the program. As more people own more guns, more guns are confiscated. In 2022, $1.1 million dollars were generated by the program, according to Fox56news. The average revenue generated in the last five years is 1.09 million dollars per year, based on KSP records obtained by AmmoLand, and a report by wdky of Lexington of 6555 guns seized in 2023.
All of the auctioned firearms are placed in the ordinary channels of commercial sales. They are subject to all the restrictions and limitations places on the sale of new firearms. From a previous AmmoLand article: [...]