Three Reasons To Carry Backup
To some, notorious Old West gunfighter John Wesley Hardin was a psychopathic murderer and racist. To others, Hardin was a genuine American hero. Whether Hardin was a terrorist or a freedom fighter was a question that dogged him throughout his lifetime. Now, 150 years after his birth, historians continue to debate the issue. Was he a murderer and a racist, or a genuine American hero? Even if Hardin wasn't a "good guy," the good guys and gals can always learn something about gunfight survival from a man who was involved in so many shootouts. Few would debate that Wes "I never killed anyone who didn't need killing" Hardin filled more graves than any of his contemporaries. Estimates of his body count range from 27 to almost 50, but figures cited by most researchers are either 40 or 41.
Practice! Hardin constantly practiced live-fire when he could, and dry-fire when he couldn't. Compete and hone your skills! Hardin biographer Lewis Nordyke implies that Hardin did so at every opportunity, though on an informal basis. Finally, If you need to carry one gun, you're better off to carry two. Hardin lived this rule for most of his life and, according to Nordyke, regretted it when he didn't. Let's examine his experiences in that regard.