SAF Investigative Journalism Project
Perception: Recognizing and prioritizing key indicators within your sphere.
Situational Awareness: The ability to collect, collate and store data in a fluid, dynamic and stressful environment, and to retrieve that data as needed to accurately predict future events in a compressed time frame.
Being In The Moment: Totally tuned to the present, disassociating yourself from any thoughts of mistake found in the past, free from any fears of the future. This state of mind is the fertile ground for powerful and unique solutions.
It really doesn't matter that you can consistently present your weapon from a position of carry and fire multiple well aimed shots from your wonder gun into the A-zone in 1.25 seconds. If you never perceive the attack, you won't respond. To paraphrase the great philosopher Forrest Gump, "Dead is as dead does."
At peak function, anything in the environment that can become a weapon is an extension of your will.