Today, Nov. 9, is the anniversary of Kristallnacht:

Is Kristallnacht Deceptive?

"Night of the Broken Glass"
Why would Jews deceive themselves so badly?
How did Never Again! Become Never Forget ?

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By Alan Korwin, Editor, The Bill of Rights Sentinel. November 9, 2020

Too many liberals and progressives, a majority of reform Jews among them, became almost psychotic and even violent after the defeat of their anointed presidential candidate in 2016. They convinced themselves -- against all evidence to the contrary -- that the elected winner Donald Trump is a virtual dictator. They believe he leads us to a second Holocaust. Some have been acting out on the fantasy. They even have a billboard as proof of their self-defined delusion. Time has proven them wrong, to no avail. A better friend to the Jews we have not seen.

Too many Jews and radical left-wing malcontents have convinced themselves
the elected president is a Nazi. They need medical treatment. They have no idea
what they're talking about. Can it be traced back to self-deception now rampant
about the original Holocaust, and refusal to recognize real threats, and what's
needed/to protect ourselves from those who have announced plans to destroy us?


We are so far from this it defies description. It is an irrational fantasy. It is wrapped in a special fantasy and distortion surrounding the original horror.

Jews the world over know what Kristallnacht is -- Nov. 9, 1938 -- the day Nazis got serious about wiping out the Jews. Using the assassination of one low-level German officer in Paris as an excuse, Germans went about murdering Jewish people, burning their stores and homes, destroying synagogues, Torahs and other artifacts. Basically, the gloves came off, the so-called final solution was on.

Millions of Muslims Want Kristallnacht Again
It is exactly what tens of millions of Muslims all over the world seek to accomplish today--wipe Jews off the map, Kristallnacht II. The non-partisan Pew Center estimates the precise number at "only" 180 million radicalized Islamists (15% of all believers). It is exactly what Mr. Hussein-Obama refused to even pronounce, for reasons confounding half the country. They are a genocidal enemy that the current office holder is confronting directly -- leading irrational leftist hordes, Jews among them, to aim not at the enemy, but at the defenders of freedom. The roots for this are in history.

"Crystal Night" Sounds Pretty
Why call Kristallnacht, "Crystal Night"? That's the literal translation, crystal night, a glaring deception. Sure, windows in Germany got broken everywhere. The English version, commonly used here, is Night of the Broken Glass, an even deeper deception, broken isn't even in the original German. Streets were indeed glass strewn.

It's so neat and antiseptic, it hides the ugly truth. It wasn't glass night at all. Today we call that fake news. It was Holocaust Commencement Day. Orgy of Jewish Blood in the Streets Night. Kill All The Jews Night. Vicious Hate Death to Juden Night. Burn Down the Temples Night. Lawless Murder and Destruction Night. Night and Day of German Atrocities. Gentlemen, Start Your Holocaust Night. Dachau survivor Theodore Hess called it, "The Night The Fires Of Hell Engulfed The Soul Of Humanity."

It's equivalent to calling radical islamic terrorism workplace violence. Or blaming guns. Not even.

Nice orderly Jews to this day are revulsed in horror at those thoughts, and instead rely on euphemisms and stick with "glass night" for Declaration of Holocaust Week. Within days 30,000 victims were sent off to the death camps. More than 1,000 synagogues were burned to the ground or otherwise damaged, and 7,500 Jewish-owned businesses were ransacked while police and fire departments were ordered to not intervene unless Aryan property was at risk (the orders are preserved in archives). Stores and homes were gleefully looted. Give it a nice name? Provide the perps with cover? For shame. [It calls to mind what we've witnessed in democrat run cities this summer doesn't it.]

Break a Glass, Get Married
Think about this: What does a Jew do to conclude a marriage? The man breaks a glass. He stomps on a cloth-wrapped glass (something delicate so he's assured of breaking it), like a light bulb, or a wine glass, wrapped so sharp pieces don't hurt anyone.

What a ghastly coincidence that Glass Night, and broken glass at the end of wedding ceremonies are opposite ends of a continuum -- ultimate horror and ultimate joy. Who coined the start of the Holocaust as Crystal Night anyway (in German) and then changed it (in English) to Night of the Broken Glass -- like a wedding? Such savage irony grates the soul.

How closely related are those deceptions? Is there a connection to the fact that so many Jews hate guns, but claim it's not good to hate? They work diligently in our Congress and our culture to disarm the innocent, and would not lift their fingers to protect themselves or anyone else at risk of death from tyrants, criminals, police, agents, illegals, gangsters, jihadis or anyone?

It All Gets Real in Temple
At a recent presentation on Kristallnacht (at a Jewish reform temple of all places), people sat literally wallowing in self-pity, quietly absorbing (for the umpteenth time) projected images of Nazi atrocities, the atrocity leader and his cohorts, insisting we must remember. Never Forget they droned.

Should we do anything about it, be Maccabees, fearless freedom fighters, stalwart guardians against those waiting for a chance to repeat history? Were they gearing up for resistance, steeling their nerves for battle, preparing to defend against those bragging and tooling up and drooling to do it all again?

No glimmer of defiant behavior was evident. Resistance was repugnance. Watch, remember... and be depressed. Never forget, they admonished. What happened to Never Again! someone asked? It wasn't present. Jews there complained at the thought.

Recall the searingly accurate insight of JPFO's founder Aaron Zelman: It was a room full of self-hating Jews eagerly waiting to sniff the gas. (JPFO: Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership,

We should do something about it! -- one solitary voice implored. The suggestion was ridiculed, scowled down. The voice persisted against the storm of angst. "And what of the assault on Israel at the U.N.?" This was right after Obama let that world body censure Israel, "by the very person you have all supported and voted for--isn't that more of the same?" The room fell dead silent. "This isn't the time or place for that," the discussion leader scolded. "Really? Then what is?" More silence. Guilty silence. Kristallnacht is a deception. These Jews are encouraging more of the same.

One woman, well aged but still with wits, came up meekly afterwards to agree. She had escaped the Nazis in Poland, as a child. She knew. The rest maintain their vigil for the glass and the gas.


Alan Korwin, an award-winning author of 14 books, is concerned about the increasing levels of violence perpetrated by the people described in this article. He can be reached at

Contemporary note, 11/9/2020: We are practically witnessing a repeat of the past, with leftist rioters and gangsters burning our cities, police and politicians allowing and even encouraging them, and citizens too afraid to act in defiance. The few who do are treated as criminals, in a bizarre reversal of civilized norms. History is repeating itself, it's time to wake up and remove the rose colored glasses. The "squad" was reelected, and has the support of Congress...

Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership,, maintains an uphill struggle to resist the bizarre Jewish desire to seek disarmament of innocent civilians by government, despite the unending tragic history people everywhere have faced when disarmed, then slaughtered in genocides by governments that have disarmed them.

Alan Korwin, Publisher
Bloomfield Press
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