The Second Amendment and American Jewry:
A Necessity Born From History

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By Edward Meyman. May 15, 2023
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The topic of the Second Amendment and its relationship with the American Jewish community is a rich tapestry woven with complexity and contention. Although many Jewish politicians and community leaders advocate for stricter 'gun control' laws, a stance often perceived as anti-Second Amendment, the historical narrative of Jewish persecution and the contemporary rise of anti-Semitism powerfully argue that the Jewish community, perhaps more than any other, should deeply appreciate the importance of the Second Amendment and personal self-defense.

A Soviet Jewish Perspective

Individuals of Jewish descent who lived a part of their lives in the former Soviet Union understand the significance of the Second Amendment from a unique vantage point. They observed, and many personally felt, the paralyzing powerlessness of disarmed citizens in a society where the government held unyielding control. The oppressive nature of the regime was only possible because the populace was disarmed and left vulnerable, effectively squashing any potential opposition.

This firsthand experience underscores the profound implications of the Second Amendment, extending far beyond personal safety. Indeed, the right to bear arms becomes crucial when viewed in the context of a citizen's relationship with the state. It is more than just a guarantee of personal protection; it's an assurance of a balance of power between the government and its citizens, a safeguard against potential tyranny.

The right to bear arms is, therefore, viewed as a fundamental pillar of democracy, serving not just to empower citizens, but also to act as a constant reminder to the government of the collective strength of its people. This experience from the Soviet Union, where such balance was absent, emphasizes the importance of the Second Amendment in preserving democratic freedoms and resisting governmental oppression.

The Second Amendment as a Democratic Safeguard

The Second Amendment stands as a sentinel against potential government overreach. This perspective, rooted in the belief that an armed populace serves as a deterrent to tyranny, resonates deeply with those familiar with oppressive regimes. The right to bear arms is more than a mere provision; it's an essential component that fortifies democracy, serving as an enduring safeguard against the rise of oppressive forces.

Groups Advocating for Jewish Gun Ownership

Organizations like "Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership" ( symbolize the alignment of Jewish history and values with the principles of the Second Amendment. They underscore the necessity of the right to bear arms for Jewish people, both as a means of personal protection and as a safeguard against potential tyranny. Their work demonstrates a keen understanding of the importance of this constitutional right within the Jewish community, serving as an example of an unpolluted Jewish perspective that highlights the significance of self-defense and individual liberties.

Critiquing the Majority Stance

The predominant perspective among American Jews, favoring stricter 'gun control' laws, is in need of a thorough examination. We argue that this stance is not only misguided but dangerously naive. By advocating for stricter 'gun control', we contend that it risks undermining the memory of Holocaust victims by failing to heed the historical lessons of powerlessness and persecution. The Holocaust was a tragic chapter where Jewish people were murdered in massive numbers and in most undignifying ways. They were largely powerless, unable to defend themselves, and deprived of the opportunity to even die with dignity. Recognizing the importance of personal defense is an important tribute to these victims, providing a means to ensure that such a horror never recurs. The "Never Again" principle, born from the ashes of the Holocaust, is thus seen as intrinsically linked to the right of individuals to bear arms, providing a last line of defense against those who would seek to perpetrate such horrors.

Challenging Political Illusions

As proponents of the Second Amendment, we cast a wary eye on political illusions and false promises. We argue that the premise of "give us your weapons, and we'll protect you" is not only dangerously naive but fundamentally flawed. This perspective treats the citizenry as passive dependents on state protection, rather than recognizing them as active agents of their own safety.

We staunchly advocate for the preservation of individual rights and responsibilities, viewing the right to self-defense, as enshrined in the Second Amendment, as paramount. We assert that this right serves a dual function: it equips citizens with the means to protect themselves and their families, and it instills a sense of personal responsibility for their own safety.

We point out that while the police force plays an essential role in maintaining law and order, it is not constitutionally obligated to protect individual citizens. We further argue that even under the best circumstances, police cannot provide immediate assistance in a crisis. The critical minutes or even seconds it takes for police to respond could mean the difference between life and death, and therefore, individuals must be equipped to protect themselves in these moments of immediate danger.

Moreover, we argue that the lessons of history underline the critical importance of the Second Amendment in safeguarding individual liberties and democratic principles. The disarmament of citizens has often been a precursor to totalitarian regimes and the erosion of democratic freedoms. This was the case in Russia in 1917 when the Bolsheviks disarmed the population during the Russian Revolution, in Germany in 1933 when the Nazis disarmed German citizens soon after Hitler came to power, and in Italy in 1926, when Benito Mussolini's Fascist regime enacted laws that severely restricted private ownership of firearms. These historical examples serve as potent reminders of the dangers that arise when citizens are disarmed and left without the means to defend their rights and liberties.

In our view, personal safety is not merely a matter of individual security but also a cornerstone of democratic stability. We argue that an armed and vigilant populace is a deterrent to those who would exploit the disarmed and vulnerable, whether they be common criminals or an overreaching government. We maintain that the lessons of history, including those from totalitarian regimes, underline the critical importance of the Second Amendment in safeguarding individual liberties and democratic principles.

A Troubling Trend

We are seeing a worrying trend within segments of the Jewish community that appears to diverge from these core principles of individual rights, the importance of self-defense, and the commitment to Jewish safety and well-being. Some Jewish individuals and groups seem to have forgotten or deliberately abandoned these uncompromisable values, advocating for positions that contradict the essential tenets of Jewish identity and heritage. Alarmingly, different symptoms of this trend are not always simultaneously or uniformly apparent within individuals but emerge more clearly and comprehensively over the span of multiple generations. This gradual deviation from the Jewish core principles does not represent merely a diversity of opinion, but a moral mutation and pollution of the mind that threatens to undermine the very essence of what it means to be Jewish. For how else would one call a self-imposed existential threat? The challenge for the Jewish community is to combat these troubling trends and reassert the fundamental values that define our identity.


The relationship between the Jewish community and the Second Amendment is a critical dialogue with historical roots and contemporary implications. As the Jewish community and society at large navigate this complex issue, it is imperative to approach it with a clear understanding of the historical and contemporary challenges that underscore the importance of the Second Amendment. A commitment to freedom, democracy, and the lessons of history should guide this ongoing dialogue, steering us towards a future where each individual's safety and dignity are upheld.


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