Meet the Jewish Gun Nuts
On March 13, 2010, In U.S. Politics, Wingnuts, By judeosphere
The Baltimore Sun reports:
A Maryland senator and delegate are the targets of a flier that attacks them as “bagel brain Jews” for their support of pending firearms legislation in the General Assembly and accuses them of pursuing “racist policies to destroy your gun rights.”
Sen. Brian E. Frosh, a Montgomery County Democrat, said the flier—with the headline “Bagel Brain Jews Want Your Bullets and Your Guns”—was mailed to his home and to those of others in his precinct.
The flier was produced by group called Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO), whose executive director is Aaron Zelman of Hartford, Wis.
Zelman, who said he is Jewish, said the group has about 6,500 members around the country. The group’s Web site includes reproductions of handbills attacking Jewish and black politicians who support various measures opposed by gun rights advocates.
They include a flier aimed at Maryland state Sen. Michael G. Lennett, a Montgomery Democrat, under the headline “A Jew Should Not Support Racism” and a portrayal of four Jewish U.S. senators in Nazi uniforms.
Zelman said the organization will “go after” any official who supports gun control but acknowledged that the group pays extra attention to Jews who take that position. “I think it’s important for Jews to wake up, to learn from history and stop being dangerously stupid.”
Charming. I think Abraham Foxman, National Director of the Anti-Defamation League, said it best: “Anti-Semitism has a long and painful history, and the linkage to gun control is a tactic by Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership to manipulate the fear of anti-Semitism toward their own end.”
Memo to the JPFO: If your official logo resembles the Hezbollah flag, you might want to pause for a moment of self-reflection
The latest project of the JPFO is a new “documentary” targeting the Obama administration titled "No Guns for Negroes", which makes the case that gun control measures are inherently racist. (See? They’re a civil rights group!)
JPFO, by the way, accepts non-Jewish members. And one of those members is none other than Daniel McGowan, a professor emeritus of economics at Hobart and William Smith Colleges; an outspoken critic of Israel…and a Holocaust denier. Now, that’s what I call a “big tent” organization.

Current comments - Leave Response
Rebecca says:
March 13, 2010 at 2:40 pm
It is truly bizarre that McGowan is a member of this group! I see from his LinkedIn profile that he’s also a member of the NRA, so I understand the “gun rights” connection, but why on earth would he of all people want to join an association of Jewish firearms owners?

SnoopyTheGoon says:
March 14, 2010 at 7:00 am
Which goes a long way to prove that “it takes all kinds”…
Not necessarily related, but could be:
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