ORDER BILL OF RIGHTS OR BUST!- (Please check JPFO store for current details)
of Rights or Bust!
$24.95 postpaid DVD, $27.95 postpaid VHS.

click for larger image
Over the years, Americans have become increasingly
ignorant about what rights they really have. Inalienable, individual
rights have given way to "junk rights" -- privileges to
be granted or withheld at the whim of the government. Our educational
film Bill of Rights or BUST shows you what rights we REALLY
have -- and why those rights are worth keeping.
Save $5
Only $19.95 ($22.95 for VHS)

of Rights Day T-Shirt
$21.95 postpaid - now only subject to closeout availability

click image for larger view
White 100% Cotton T-Shirt. Pre Shrunk.
Full Color Front Design, Red & Blue Back Design

Bill of
Rights Day Poster
$14.95 postpaid

click image for larger view
December 15, 1791
ALL of the BILL of RIGHTS for ALL Citizens
First-ever Bill of Rights Day poster
11" x 17" full-color on heavy stock
$14.95 each, postage paid

Bill of
Rights Day Lapel Pin
$9.95 postage paid

click image for larger view
Solid Brass, baked enamel colors

of Rights Day Kit!
$39.95 postpaid

Planning a Bill of
Rights Day celebration? Make it special with our Bill of
Rights Day Kit! Newly updated, our kit includes:
1 copy Bill of Rights or Bust
(for showing)
1 Bill of Rights Day poster (for
1 book of 72 Bill of Rights Day stamps
(for sharing)
- Don't forget to check out our sample resolution,
letter to the editor, and oped
price for all of the above is $56.80, buy the kit for only $39.95
Bill of Rights Day Kit $49.95 postage paid
All Prices Include Postage to U.S. Addresses. Queries please to JPFO.org email