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May 23, 2006

UN Conference on Independence Day


In an act of breathtaking audacity, the United Nations "Small Arms Review Conference" will be held in New York City. The conference is being held from Jun 26 through July 7 2006.

What's the Small Arms Review Conference? According to the UN's own website, it is "the United Nations Conference to Review Progress Made in the Implementation of the Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects."

Now read those dates again. The conference where foreign delegates, representatives of vague organizations and select members of "civil society" will attempt to curtail your possession of firearms will extend through July 4 ... Independence Day.

We've said for years that the UN is one of the most dangerous organizations to American freedom. You know it's true. But if you need help convincing others of the insidious goals of this socialist organization, you may want to pick up a few copies of our Gran'pa Jack booklet #5 "The United Nations is Killing Your Freedoms!" - see all the booklet series.

Maybe you thought we had plenty to do just to preserve the right to keep and bear arms. Yet that crucial battle might seem quite irrelevant after the United Nations abolishes the Bill of Rights altogether. With the support of our "friends" in the US government, the UN has already laid the groundwork to abolish nearly every right protected in our Bill of Rights. They call it the "Universal Declaration of Human Rights," and our Gran'pa Jack booklet shows you just how dangerous that document is to your REAL rights.

To "celebrate" the summit, we'd like to remind you that the Independence Day holiday might be a good time to get a little range practice in. And if you need an appropriate target, perhaps we could suggest our UN targets, each order of which comes with the Gran'pa Jack booklet above. Printed at the bottom of each target is the rights YOU would lose if the UN Declaration supercedes the US Constitution.

Learn the truth about this insidious organization, educate others, and then let you feelings be known. Your rights and your future depend upon it!


The Liberty Crew

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