UN Continues Fight To Disarm All Americans

By Mac Slavo. June 25th, 2018
The United Nations is gearing up for round two in the fight to disarm the American public. Last month, the United Nations' International Action Network on Small Arms (IANSA) held a week-long conference geared towards making gun control an international priority.
Wanting world domination, the global elites are seeking to prevent Americans from being able to escape the slavery they have
planned for everyone by enacting "
global gun control." According to Townhall's
Beth Baumann, during RevCon3, the conference on the program of action on small arms and light weapons, the UN's Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres had a message delivered on his behalf. It reads, in part: ....
America does not need the UN meddling in its affairs, ever. It is none of their business. Their desire to seek a small arms treaty is long standing and has been a long sought after control objective. They want to use 'gun control' groups to further the cause so that it looks better if Americans are demanding abolishment of the Second Amendment instead of other countries trying to pressure the U.S.

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